Obljubljena dežela / Promised Land
A dance performance by Be Funky
Organised by: Plesno društvo Be Funky
After last year’s performance, Dear Me, which delved into the emotions and experiences of the dancers’ lives, this year the Be Funky Dance Association turns its focus to joy, happiness, and life’s true bliss in its production.
In today’s chaotic world, we are searching for ourselves. We drift away from our true essence. We live outside ourselves, striving daily to reach that Promised Land. We follow, chasing external achievements that feed our egos and give us a sense of success and importance. But then, we just want more each time. The path to the Promised Land and the journey toward pure, sincere happiness are sought outside ourselves. And life passes us by.
Who still truly lives as themselves?
Who still dances for their soul, simply because they feel the dance with all their heart?
Who still loves sincerely?
Who truly feels genuine joy in every moment of life?
Do we only experience all this once we’ve achieved everything promised?
Where is this Promised Land?
In the performance Promised Land, 180 dancers, aged 3 to 85, will offer the audience answers to these questions. They will embark on an enchanting journey of dancing through stories from the book Promised Land. An hour of dance will be filled with emotions and, above all, a search for life’s joy and happiness in a world that, in these times, clouds our vision of clarity.
Obljubljena dežela
17,00 EUR
12,00 EUR *

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