20 Dec 20:30

Fake Orchestra: All That Jazz!

Organised by: Glasbeno društvo Etnobeat

The band Fake Orchestra has been active as a musical collective since 1997, with its more or less permanent members and guests including many top-class Slovenian musicians. They have performed at numerous important venues and celebrations in their homeland, as well as abroad, from Istanbul to New York.

They have recorded five albums in a variety of genres. At their now traditional December concert, they will present a selection of their favorite jazz repertoire.

Ana Vipotnik - vocals
Primož Fleischman - saxophone
Igor Leonardi - guitar
Tadej Kampl - bass
Lazzaro Zumeta - percussion, violin
Lovro Bone - drums
Special guest: Lara Grbić - vocals

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Fake Orchestra: All That Jazz!

20 Dec 20:30
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25,00 EUR



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