Past event
28 Nov 2023 19:00

Z Davidom Zupančičem o znanosti mirnega življenja

A Conversation with David Zupančič on the Science of a Peaceful Life
Organised by Mladinska knjiga

David Zupančič, a young infectious disease specialist and online influencer who enthralled audiences last year with the book "Življenje v sivi coni" (Life in the Gray Zone), returns to the literary scene exactly one year later with a new book, "Znanost mirnega življenja" (The Science of a Peaceful Life). While David's humorous writings on may have helped many overcome the times of the epidemic and restored faith in the medical profession, "The Science of a Peaceful Life" has a different ambition: the author shares his own experiences and challenges in finding peace in the hectic everyday life of modern living. Among other things, he encourages readers to use mindfulness. David will discuss how to find inner peace in every moment of life or at least come close to it with journalist and podcast host Slavko Jerič.
David Zupančič (1991) is a physician, writer, and author of the popular podcast "Umetnost Lenarjenja" (The Art of Loafing). In 2022, his debut "Življenje v sivi coni" broke sales records and received the Reader's Choice Book of the Year Award at the Slovenian Book Fair. Due to the challenges of studying medicine and the medical profession, he started practicing mindfulness early on—a effective and popular method for managing stress and achieving a state of full presence in the moment. Twelve years of research, study, and practice of this method have, as he claims, transformed his life.

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Z Davidom Zupančičem o znanosti mirnega življenja

28 Nov 2023 19:00
28 Nov 2023 19:00
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18,00 EUR



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