10 Mar 2020 20:00

Artificial Intelligence: Greatest Threat or Greatest Hope

All events suspended

In accordance with the decree of Ministry of Health of Republic of Slovenia, released on March the 9th 2020, to prevent the spread of Covid-19 virus, all events in Cankarjev dom are suspended until March 15th 2020.
Ticket and subscription holders will be furtherly informed by email regarding possible rescheduling of events and the management of their tickets.

All events suspended

In accordance with the decree of  Ministry of Health of Republic of Slovenia, released on March the 9th 2020, to prevent the spread of Covid-19 virus, all events in Cankarjev dom are suspended until March 15th 2020.
Ticket and subscription holders will be furtherly informed by email regarding possible rescheduling of events and the management of their tickets.

More information
info@cd-cc.si, vstopnice@cd-cc.si 
+386 1 2417-299
Twitter @cankarjevdom

Thank you for your understanding and support.


Luka Omladič, PhD, member of the UNESCO World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology; Michele Leonardi, PhD, Country Leader at IBM Slovenia; Boštjan Spetič, founder of Zemanta Information and Communication Technologies

Hosted by: Ali Žerdin, PhD

The starting point of the round table is the realization that whilst an astounding organ, brain has been evolutionarily made for circumstances that are different to those prevailing in the modern world. Can artificial intelligence bridge this gap?

Nakup vstopnic

Artificial Intelligence: Greatest Threat or Greatest Hope

10 Mar 2020 20:00
10 Mar 2020 20:00
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