22 Jun 2023 19:00

Charles Jude: Legendary Nureyev

A talk

A talk with former principal dancer of the Opéra de Paris and Vice President of the Nureyev Foundation, Charles Jude, about the ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev. Charles Jude, a personal friend and disciple of Nureyev, the greatest male ballet dancer of his time, will speak about the life and legacy of Nureyev based on his personal experiences learning the trade of dance and choreography from the master himself.

A first-hand insight into the life of this famous artist after he had applied for political asylum in France based on Charles Jude’s personal experiences of dancing alongside his friend and mentor, Rudolf Nureyev.


The conversation will be held in French (simultaneous translation into Slovenian)

Nakup vstopnic

Charles Jude: Legendary Nureyev

22 Jun 2023 19:00
22 Jun 2023 19:00
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Free tickets

In cooperation with the Nureyev Foundation


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