27 Jan 19:00

Discussion: Genocide Through the Prism of International Law

Accompanying programme to the exhibition Breaking news unable to break the wall of conscience

Guest: Dr. Vasilka Sancin, acknowledged expert in international law

Hosted by the journalist Dr. Ali Žerdin

A discussion dedicated to the role of international law in identifying and preventing a genocide takes place within the context of the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide and the exhibition A Failure of Humanity. Our guest is Vasilka Sancin, a renowned expert in international law, who will shed light on the legal processes following the Srebrenica genocide and the broader context of international response to such crimes. The event provides an opportunity to reflect on justice for the victims and efforts to prevent similar tragedies in future.

The discussion forms part of the commemorative programme "8372 Living Memories" marking the 30th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide. The programme is implemented by the MKC Cultural and Educational Institute in cooperation with and through the support of partners. The semi-annual commemoration includes various activities aimed at preserving the memory of the victims and raising public awareness. For more information on the programme activities and the Srebrenica genocide please visit www.srebrenica.si.

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Discussion: Genocide Through the Prism of International Law

27 Jan 19:00
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