28 Oct 2021 18:00

Dostoyevsky, Publicist and Essayist

Postponed to January 2022

The Petersburg Chronicle (published in Slovenian by Goga) is the general name of Dostoyevsky’s feuilletons in the newspaper "St. Petersburg Vedomosti." The young author writes on the subject of Petersburg and perceives life critically, addressing the Russian national idea and independence. On this occasion, our esteemed guest will be Tatyana Kasatkina, Doctor of Philology, Head Researcher at the Gorky Institute of World Literature RAS, Head of the Centre “Dostoevsky and World Culture” at the Gorky Institute of World Literature RAS, president of the Research Committee for Dostoyevsky's Artistic Heritage within the Scientific Council for the History of World Culture, RAS.

The panel will be chaired by Dr. Urša Zabukovec and joined by two Slovenian panelists.

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Dostoyevsky, Publicist and Essayist

28 Oct 2021 18:00
28 Oct 2021 18:00
Postponed to January 2022
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