21 Apr 2022 17:00

Drago Jančar: Ob nastanku sveta

Hot off the press

Drago Jančar, one of Slovenia’s most renowned and widely translated contemporary authors, recipient of numerous national and international awards for his outstanding work, including the Prešeren Award and four Kresnik Awards, returns with a new, deeply personal novel, Ob nastanku sveta.

The author will discuss his work with the director of Beletrina Academic Press, Mitja Čander.

Ob nastanku sveta (Upon the Creation of the World) is a story of as yet inexistent world that is “predestined” to come into being before our very eyes. The epic story of life that is epic precisely because it unfolds before the eyes of the individual, thus being unique and unparalleled. However, it is unfathomably hard to imagine that this imperfect world, which has become ours because we came to know it as we did and interpreted it as best we could, would one day be gone. 

The talk will be held in Slovenian.

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Drago Jančar: Ob nastanku sveta

21 Apr 2022 17:00
21 Apr 2022 17:00
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