Until 30 March 2022

Emil Filipčič: Nepočesane misli

Beletrina, Ljubljana 2021

An Eruption of Memory in Repositioning 

Emil Filipčič, himself amazed at the fact of becoming a septuagenarian, has turned seventy, and all these decades – after seeing God at the age of five in his native Belgrade – have been turbulent, cheerful, bohemian, creative. In the course of his life, Filipčič has played countless literary roles in drama and prose, and made his mark in theatre and film, while being a real barrel of laughs.  

As befits the column Še pomnite, tovariši? the birthday boy should also be allowed to have his say: “When I look at these past years from the perspective of one comet in space, I have to admit that we had a good time. It's not just that we indulged in drinking bouts and shared a good laugh, it was important that we believed we were right and that everything we were doing would somehow turn for the better, that ultimately everything would be fine. We were perfectly healthy, do you know what this means?” 

Filipčič is a man of a single book, featuring himself and his merry circle of artists and their satellites, humorous anecdotes connected to the theatre and his life’s journey; he sees himself in everyone and everyone in himself, in a self-indulgent manner of a downright solipsistic and narcissistic author – absorbed with himself even when it comes to his writing strategies. 

Matej Bogataj 

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Emil Filipčič: Nepočesane misli

Until 30 March 2022
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