11 Apr 2023 18:00

Irena Cerar: Why Humans Need Nature and Stories

According to a 2008 report released by the World Health Organization, 2007 was the first year in which more people lived in urban areas than in rural ones. However, regardless of urban development, human brain and neurological system have programmed us to seek a connection to natural environments. Our bodies were designed to move, for walking, rather than sitting. Walking offers the opportunity to experience space gradually and through our whole bodies, while nature can provide us with a haven of freedom. If we combine nature activities with another age-old and basic need, the thirst for good stories, we get a treasure trove of opportunities. Stories, which strengthen relationships and build communities, have the power to connect people and help us feel connected to nature. 

Irena Cerar is the author of the popular family excursion guidebook series, Pravljične poti. She was editor of the National Geographic Junior magazine for 15 years. She is an established narrator of folk tales, as well as a mountain guide and Interpret Europe certified interpretive guide. Her last guidebook, Pravljične poti brez meja, explores the Slovenian ethnic minority living in neighbouring countries, focusing on the Slovenian cultural space abroad through stories and excursions. Concurrently, she wrote her literary debut, Potepuške okruške, which won the 2022 Best Travelogue Award.

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Irena Cerar: Why Humans Need Nature and Stories

11 Apr 2023 18:00
11 Apr 2023 18:00
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