7 May 2024 18:00

Knowledge/Ignorance is Worth – Education in the Time of Chat-GPT

Faced with the revolutionary transformation of the media that our society is going through the event aims at tackling the question which direction the discourse on education will take. What do we need to know? What should be taught at universities and schools? What should be built upon and what can be dispensed with? What is the point of humanistic education today? Should we start learning and teaching how to program and handle artificial intelligence? Some of these issues and related concerns will be addressed by the panel consisting of the writer Tonio Schachinger, Professor of Didactics for German as a Foreign Language, Dr. Andreja Retelj, grammar school teacher Michael Steber and author and composer Dr. Nina Dragičević. The evening will be hosted by Bernhard Winkler.

About the authors 
Born in New Delhi in 1992, Tonio Schachinger studied German Language and Literature at the University of Vienna and Creative Writing at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. His debut novel, Nicht wie ihr, won the City of Bremen Young Authors Award and was shortlisted for the 2019 German Book Prize. His second novel, Echtzeitalter, won the German Book Prize in 2023. Tonio Schachinger lives in Vienna.
Dr. Nina Dragičević (1984) is a poet, essayist and sound artist. She has authored the books Kdo ima druge skrbi (Škuc, 2014), Slavne neznane (Škuc, 2016), Med njima je glasba (Parada ponosa, 2017), Ljubav reče greva (Škuc, 2019), To telo, pokončno (Škuc, 2021), Kako zveni oblast (Založba /*cf, 2022), Ampak, kdo? (Škuc, 2023) and Auditory Poverty and Its Discontents (Errant Bodies Press, 2024). Dragičević is the recipient of the 2023 Werner Düttmann Fellowship (Akademie der Künste, Berlin), the 2023 Dr Ana Mayer Kansky Award, the 2021 Jenko Award, the 2020 Župančič Award, two 2018 Knight of Poetry Awards, and was a 2018 Palma Ars Acustica finalist. 

Co-organizers: DAAD, Goethe-Institut Ljubljana, Austrian Cultural Forum, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana and CD

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Knowledge/Ignorance is Worth – Education in the Time of Chat-GPT

7 May 2024 18:00
7 May 2024 18:00
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