Past event
6 Oct 2021 20:30

Damir Imamović: Singer of Tales

The new concert date is 6 October 2021.

Damir Imamović, vocals, tambura, guitar; Derya Türkan, kemenche; Greg Cohen, double bass

The rumours about Damir Imamović’s big new project swept the city of Ljubljana as early as in autumn 2018, when Saz'iso, an ensemble of virtuoso Albanian musicians, was playing our venue. Its producer, the legendary Joey Boyd (Nick Drake, R.E.M, Fairport Convention...), spoke enthusiastically about the new album from the sevdah maestro, showcasing a new ensemble comprising music giants, Turkish kemenche master Derya Türkan and renowned American bassist Greg Cohen (John Zorn Masada, Dave Douglas...), in addition to violin virtuoso Ivana Đurič. Imamović himself confirmed the rumours when performing a 2018 New Year’s Eve concert at the CD Club. The all-star team, complemented by producer Joe Boyd, co-producer Andrea Goertler and Grammy-winning engineer Jerry Boys (Buena Vista Social Club, Ali Farka Touré), assembled in Berlin. The album was released to rave reviews and has recently won a German Grammy (German Association of Music Critics) for best traditional music album. Singer of Tales fulfils Damir Imamović‘s artistic and professional aspirations first envisaged a decade ago.

The appreciative Slovenian audiences have been loyally keeping abreast of Imamović’s career, his projects and different takes on sevdalinka, a genre that has been enjoying a major revival with performers that include Amira, Božo Vrećo and Mostar Sevdah Reunion, as well as older artists. A proficient instrumentalist, Imamović has stepped it up a notch, daringly plunging into deep waters. Damir’s passion and skill worked their magic, and the project – a deeply moving homage to the art of storytelling – came through with flying colours. He can now sing his tales with complete abandon, playing and narrating for each and every one of us. Again, but as never before. Still youthful, but with music that has emerged in its full splendour and a new level of maturity. 

Bogdan Benigar



The band will perform on 6 October, at 6 p.m. and 8:30 p.m., at the CD Club. Information on ticket changes will be communicated at the beginning of the new season.

The concert was initially scheduled for 23 November 2020, postponed to 6 May 2021. 

Should you find the new date unsuitable, a credit note for another event or a refund will be issued.
Please send requests for refunds to or change your tickets directly at the Box Office.

More about cancelled or postponed events >>


Zasedba bo 6. oktobra nastopila ob 18.00 in 20.30. uri v Klubu CD. O menjavi vstopnic kupce obvestimo v začetku nove sezone.

Koncert je bil prvotno napovedan za 23. november 2020, nato prestavljen na 9. maj 2020 in 2021. 

Če se koncerta ne želite ali ne morete udeležiti, vam bomo izdali dobropis za drug dogodek ali vrnili kupnino.  Svojo željo po vračilu kupnine lahko posredujete na e-pošto ali zamenjavo uredite v informacijskem središču.

Več informacij o vračilu kupnine in urejanju dobropisa >>

Nakup vstopnic

Damir Imamović: Singer of Tales

6 Oct 2021 18:00
6 Oct 2021 20:30
6 Oct 2021 18:00
6 Oct 2021 20:30
Show more

23,00 EUR

15,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category

5% discount on online purchases



The Card of Cankarjev dom 

Uršula Cetinski

Blog written by Uršula Cetinski, CD Director General

CD Director General, Uršula Cetinski, expresses her thoughts on CD events and other affairs of current interest, of in-house and broader relevance, in concise postings.

The blog is written in Slovenian.

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