Past event
16 Sep 2023 19:00

A Little Night Music

Musical in two acts
Music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim
Book by Hugh Wheeler

The scintillatingly witty A Little Night Music is Stephen Sondheim’s adaptation of the Ingmar Bergman film Smiles of a Summer Night (Sommarnattens leende), focusing on a tangled web of romantic entanglements spun in the space of a single weekend around actress Desirée Armfeldt (Damjana Golavšek) at the turn of the last century.

When Desiree stops in the town to perform with her acting company, she meets her ex-lover Fredrik Egerman (Marjan Bunič), igniting the old flame of their love affair. This arouses feelings of intense jealousy among everyone involved: Desirée, Fredrik, his young wife Anne (Sara Lešnik), Desirée’s current lover, Count Carl-Magnus (Lucas Somoza Osterc), and his wife, Charlotte (Željka Predojević Korošec). All characters, including both men – and their troubled wives –, gather at a weekend house party called by Desirée’s mother, Madame Armfeldt (Polona Vetrih) who lives in opulent retirement in the country. There, endless possibilities open up for surprising new romantic combinations and unexpected twists.

This vibrant and elegant musical, part social comedy part battle between the sexes, is played out against the backdrop of Sondheim’s lilting waltz-driven score, a continuous flow of comic, dramatic, and romantic songs, including the hit Send in the Clowns.


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A Little Night Music

14 Sep 2023 19:00
15 Sep 2023 19:00
16 Sep 2023 19:00
14 Sep 2023 19:00
15 Sep 2023 19:00
16 Sep 2023 19:00
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18,00 EUR

12,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners

Orchestrations by Jonathan Tunick
Suggested by a film by Ingmar Bergman
Originally produced and directed on Broadway by Harold Prince
Presented by arrangement with Music Theatre International
Conductor and Music Director: Simon Dvoršak
Director and translation of libretto: Nejc Lisjak
Choreography: Maša Vajda Andrejka
Set design and design: Urška Gregorič
Costume design: Andreja Stržinar


Polona Vetrih, Damjana Golavšek, Marjan Bunič, Sara Lešnik, Gregor Ravnik, Lucas Somoza Osterc, Željka Predojević Korošec, Eva Lisjak, Gaja Sorč, Robert Korošec, Marko Erzar, Eva Černe Avbelj, Katja Konvalinka, Klemen Torkar, Irena Yebuah Tiran, Tatjana Bonin, Žiga Štrukelj, Erika Rode 

Orchestra of the Slovenian Chamber Music Theatre 

Production: Slovenian Chamber Music Theatre, Cankarjev dom, Kulturno društvo Mlin Radomlje Cultural Society



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