Manca Udovič, piano; Uroš Buh, vocals; Rok Nemanič, trumpet; Jan Gregorka, bass; Gašper Peršl, drums; Featuring: Manca Fekonja, vocals
Led by Slovenian pianist Manca Udovič, Romanca released their self-penned debut album, Počasi in previdno, in 2019. Comprising seasoned musicians, the band’s strong suit are jazz ballads and pop marches, as well as funky rhythms. The concert will open with Manca Udovič’s longer solo piano, and feature a young singer, Manca Fekonja, whose voice will add a unique flavour to the realistic-romantic melodies.
Počasi in previdno is an album of dualities, an album of differences, an organic whole that emerged from (individual) desire. At a time when it is more prudent (and more advantageous) to release singles, Manca Udovič and Romanca could likewise take the easy way, but instead took the classic way. The harder, yet finer way.
Jaša Lorenčič, journalist
After obtaining an MA from the Zagreb Academy of Music, pianist Manca Udovič devoted herself to artistic creation and pedagogical work. In recent years, she has dedicated herself to composing, writing film music and musical settings of poems. She has won numerous awards at home and abroad, and sees music as a harmonious, richly diverse whole that defies classification. Employing an idiosyncratic style of music-making, Manca Udovič articulates and blends different musical styles.
Manca Udovič: Romanca
12,00 EUR
8,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category
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