12 Oct 2021 20:00

M.U.G. Trio

Premiere of the new album Mislec

Marko Brdnik, accordion; Uroš Rakovec, guitar; Gašper Peršl, drums

The M.U.G. Trio is celebrating autumn with a new album, Mislec, to be released digitally and on vinyl this October. The album’s instrumental compositions feature a blend of improvised and popular music enhanced by elements of classical music, classic rock and hip hop.
On Mislec, the three virtuosos embark on a sonic journey across multiple genres, reflecting on today’s social reality while spreading positive energy and optimism.

Marko Brdnik, Uroš Rakovec and Gašper Peršl have built promising careers as soloists, chamber and studio musicians. They play (also together) in various Slovenian and international award-winning avant-rock, jazz, etno-jazz, etc. bands. They write music (also together) for different theatre performances, dance shows and films.

V teh virtualnih časih je res poseben užitek izdelati nekaj oprijemljivega – to se nam zdi zelo pomembno. Borut Bučinel je ploščo oblikoval tako, da jo bo morda kupil tudi nekdo, ki doma nima gramofona,« poudarjajo glasbeniki. Z naslovnice njihove nove plošče nas opazuje okamneli mislec. 

Konec septembra objavljeni singel M.U.G. Tria Loviti sledi je napovedal izid nove plošče Mislec/Thinker, ki je 5. oktobra izšla pri Založbi Radia Študent v digitalni obliki in kot gramofonska plošča, sočasno s studijskim koncertom na Afterpartyju Radia Študent. V instrumentalnih skladbah se mešajo sodobni jazz, improvizirani in popularni glasbeni tokovi, ki jih žlahtnijo vplivi klasične glasbe, klasičnega rocka in hip hopa. Glasbeni virtuozi na plošči Mislec skozi čezžanrsko zvočno potovanje premišljujejo o aktualnem družbenem dogajanju, kljub temu pa njihovo polnokrvno glasbo prevevata tako dobrodošla svetloba in optimizem. 

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- 40% discount on tickets for the Cankarjevi torki concerts
- you can purchase your tickets up to 15 minutes prior to a concert when booking them a day in advance at Evstopnice@cd-cc.si
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- Cankarjevi torki members take part in prize competition to win complimentary festival pass for Jazz Festival Ljubljana

Annual membership fee: EUR 20
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Nakup vstopnic

M.U.G. Trio

12 Oct 2021 20:00
12 Oct 2021 20:00
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12,00 EUR

8,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category

5% discount on online purchases cd-cc.si



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