19 Oct 2022 19:30

NOW 2: Ophelia

Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: Titus Engel

Soloist: Nicole Chevalier, soprano

Neville Hall: so flamed in the air
Hans Abrahamsen: Let me tell you
Carl Nielsen: Symphony No. 4, Op. 29, “The Inextinguishable”

The central composition of the concert is the song cycle Let me tell you by Danish composer Hans Abrahamsen. The composition is based on the eponymous short story by Paul Griffiths, which is a literary portrait of Ophelia from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Griffiths first subjected Ophelia’s text to the principles of potential literature, and Abrahamsen then modified the resulting text beyond recognition by isolating individual words and phrases. Nevertheless, Ophelia’s determination and passion suggest that it was enough to satisfy a woman who never had the opportunity to tell her side of the story.
The composition was first performed by soprano Barbara Hanningan with the Berlin Philharmonic in 2013. Since then, it has been performed many times by the best orchestras around the world, always being greeted by sustained applause.

Post-concert gathering of the audience with the composers and performers, accompanied by an offer of selected top Slovenian wines
Lili Novy Glass Hall at Cankarjev dom
Ministry of Health warning: Drinking alcohol can be harmful to health! 

The asterisk* indicates discounted admission prices for all ticket categories offered to pensioners, secondary-school and university students. The discount is indicated when selecting a seat (online ticket sale). The discount can also be obtained when buying tickets in person at Cankarjev dom’s Box Office.

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NOW 2: Ophelia

19 Oct 2022 19:30
19 Oct 2022 19:30
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8,00 I 18,00 I 28,00 I 35,00 EUR

6,00 I 14,00 I 23,00 I 28,00 EUR* *price for pensioners, secondary-school and university students. The discount is indicated when selecting a seat (online ticket sale).

5% discount on online purchases cd-cc.si


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