Past event
14 Sep 2021 19:30

Thierry Escaich, organ

Mirror Dances

Jean-Baptiste Lully, Overture to Le Bourgeois gentilhomme (arr. Th. Escaich)
Johann S. Bach, Fugue in G Major (a la Gigue), BWV 577
Belá Bártok, Romanian Folk Dances (arr. Th. Escaich)
Jehan Alain, Variations on a Theme by Clement Janequin
Nicolas de Grigny, Récit de tierce en taille
Theirry Escaich, Evocations I and II
Maurice Duruflé, Toccata from Suite for Organ, Op. 5
Improvisation - Dance suite

Composer, organist and improviser Thierry Escaich is able to combine these three profiles in a unique manner, binding them inextricably together to reflect his rich inner world. An ambassador of the great French school of improvisation, four-time recipient of the Victoires de la Musique award and 2020/21 resident organist of the Dresden Philharmonic, Escaich is equally impressive as a brilliant performer of a stylistically diversified repertoire that blends early and contemporary, folk and sacred music, or an inspired composer whose unique, highly personal style covers a broad spectrum of forms and genres.
Presented under the evocative title Mirror Dances, the evening’s programme takes us on a thrilling musical journey. Pairing the elaborate grandeur of the Baroque style with contemporary pieces, it is interspersed with the organist’s own compositions and masterful improvisations.

In Thierry Escaich's work there are no works of youth but the eternal youth of a work which is being built before our eyes with sincerity like a maturity in constant evolution.
Ircam – Center Pompidou, 2016

I want to go to the end of my struggles, without worrying about wanting to be original.
Thierry Escaich

Nakup vstopnic

Thierry Escaich, organ

14 Sep 2021 19:30
14 Sep 2021 19:30
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13,00 | 15,00 | 18,00 | 22,00 EUR

11,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category

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