Past event
31 Dec 2022 20:00

Tokac & Emanuela

Tokac, vocals; Emanuela Montanič, piano

A most fascinating vocalist, Tomislav Jovanović Tokac is primarily a poet and composer, storyteller and author of inimitable tunes. Over the years, he has continued to amaze us with the originality and conceptual freshness of his prodigious creative output (the prolific work as frontman of one of Slovenia’s best bands, Dan D, or as mentor or producer of many emerging bands). 
Taking leave of the old year at Cankarjev dom, Tokac is appearing with a new solo project dedicated to intimate, confessional, mature and original compositions arranged for the piano in musical partnership with Emanuela Montanič, his pianist soul mate. Tokac’s conceptual compositions tell the stories of people, stories about life, blending humour and sadness with a sprinkling of wit, quirkiness and soul. Just like life itself.

An intimate and unique experience of welcoming the new year!

Nakup vstopnic

Tokac & Emanuela

31 Dec 2022 20:00
31 Dec 2022 20:00
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25,00 EUR

with a glass of sparkling wine



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