Tomaž Svete: The House of Mercy
Chamber opera, first performance
Conductor: Simon Dvoršak
In his eleventh opera, composer Tomaž Svete draws thematic inspiration from Slovenian author Ivan Cankar’s Hiša Marije Pomočnice (The House of Mary Our Helper), a novel written in 1904 and celebrated for its tragic sense of longing and the overarching blend of Christian and ethical thought alongside naturalistic criticism of society.
In incorporating both traditional elements and more modernist approaches, the work stylistically heralds a continuation of Svete’s operatic output, while faithfully following the text and, as a musical enhancement of the dramatic progress, offering its interpretation.
The ensemble includes seven vocalists and six instrumentalists (violin, flute, saxophone, trombone, accordion and percussion).
21. in 22. oktober 2021 ob 11:00
za šolske skupine: 8,00 EUR; prijava:
Tomaž Svete: The House of Mercy
10,00 | 14,00 EUR
8,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category
5% discount on online purchases
Set design: Jaro Ješe
Costume design: Saša Krhen
Slovenian Chamber Music Theatre soloists and chamber ensemble
Co-production: Slovenian Chamber Music Theatre, Cankarjev dom