Žigan Krajnčan, vocals, music, dance; Marko Črnčec, keyboards, drums, percussion; Miha Koren, bass; Kristijan Krajnčan, drums, cello; Patricija Škof and Klara Klasinc, backing vocals
Over recent years, Žigan Krajnčan (1995) has been a breath of fresh air invigorating Slovenia’s art scene. Working in different parts of the world, the musician, dancer, choreographer, actor and performer has developed the idea of integral creation, a synthesis of the arts, always aspiring to extend, blur and push the boundaries of genre and style.
Carving out his successful and award-winning artistic career, Žigan has travelled the world (the US, China, Europe and Africa) and obtained insight into various cultural patterns, which he absorbed, reflected on and interpolated into his own art projects with his characteristic openness. Combining self-penned songs and dance, Žigan's Cankarjevi torki show features Fusion Reactor (to be released in March 2023), a project that fuses various genres, including funk, hip-hop, reggae, jazz and classical music.
Žigan Krajnčan: Fusion Reactor
12,00 EUR
8,00 EUR * * EUR za mlajše od 25 in starejše od 65 let ter upokojence, za sedeže najnižje cenovne kategorije
Spletna trgovina izdelkov
Skrbno izbrano ponudba različnih izdelkov in spominkov, ki so nastali v sodelovanju z različnimi slovenskimi oblikovalci ali so plod dela oblikovalskega tima Cankarjevega doma.
Bodite med prvimi ...
.... ki boste izvedeli, katere koncerte, predavanja, gledališka in plesna gostovanja in drugo pripravljamo v Cankarjevem domu,