18 Oct 20:00

Bojana Robinson: Mašina (The Machine)

Duration: 60 minutes


The Machine is a duet between Bojana Robinson, a choreographer and dancer, and a breathing machine occasionally used by her daughter. Although the device has entered Bojana’s life to alleviate her child's medical condition, the artist explores her personal relationship with a technological device that directly and indirectly affects her life.

The choreographer explores the nature of the machine, tracing its evolvement into the performance’s subject and ways of embodying the relationship between devices and humans.

The machine is an intermediary. The machine is a source of fear and discomfort, but also of safety and freedom. The machine evokes emotions, calls for emotions.
Dimitrije Kokanov

Nakup vstopnic

Bojana Robinson: Mašina (The Machine)

18 Oct 20:00
19 Oct 20:00
20 Oct 20:00
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14,00 EUR

12,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners.

Choreographed and performed by: Bojana Robinson 
Author of the text and dramaturg: Dimitrije Kokanov
Set design and video: Dorian Šilec Petek
Music by: Manja Ristić*

*Composition Mašina M2 with an excerpt from the album Hidden Adriatic (in collaboration with Robertina Šebjanič), composition Basne - side B (in collaboration with Mark Vernon)


Costume design: Timotej Rosc
Lighting design: Igor Remeta
Text translation: Polona Glavan
Narrator: Polona Juh
Movement consultant: Kaja Lorenci
PR-team: Paulina Pia Rogač and Tina Malenšek
Photographer: Matt Robinson

Production: Institute for Contemporary Art Practice and Theory 0.1 
Coproduction: Cankarjev dom

Co-organised by: Društvo za kulturno produkcijo in afirmacijo umetniških procesov NAGIB, Maribor; Društvo umetnosti in kulture 47, Vrhnika; DUM - društvo umetnikov, Ljubljana

Financial support: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana

Thanks to: Zahvala Pulmodata – Klavdija Ocepek Rožac, Marko Dovjak, Društvo HUD”O”, Eva Kraševec, Maša Pelko and Marko Marinčič.



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