12 Oct 2024 20:00

Varja Hrvatin: Sukeban

The origins of the City of Women festival date back to 1995. Initially a one-off event of the Office of Women's Policy, a year later the festival’s organisation was entrusted to the Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture – City of Women, and the festival ran continuously for the next 30 years. The festival would not have survived to this very day without sisterhood, solidarity, mutual support and awareness of the differences created by class, race and other contexts.

That is why this festival’s edition foregrounds the importance of sisterhood, a theme also addressed by dramaturg, playwright and director Varja Hrvatin. In the fantasy-performative show Sukeban, borrowing its title from the Japanese term for female delinquents and girl gangs formed as a direct result of and feminist response to male gangs' refusal to accept female members, Varja Hrvatin employs the format of an interactive game to problematize the representation of women in the online environment and portray a world of female superheroes fighting against sexism and discrimination.


Predstava je v slovenščini z angleškimi nadnapisi.

Ustvarjalna ekipa poziva gledalke k možnosti aktivnega in anonimnega sodelovanja v predstavi, za kar potrebujejo le mobilni telefon s povezavo na splet.

»Ustvarjalni proces je na vsebinski ravni zajemal ogromno iskanja in pregledovanja problematičnih spletnih vsebin, (pop)kulturnih referenc, viralnih videov ter različnih nišnih forumov in socialnih platform. Na uprizoritveni ravni pa smo predvsem raziskovale različne oblike iger, igranja, preigravanja vlog, (super)herojstva, boja, maščevanja, humorja, seciranja otroštva, odraščanja, prijateljstva, sestrstva in domišljijskega fantaziranja.«

Varja Hrvatin, avtorica koncepta in scenarija uprizoritve.

Nakup vstopnic

Varja Hrvatin: Sukeban

10 Oct 2024 20:00
11 Oct 2024 20:00
12 Oct 2024 20:00
10 Oct 2024 20:00
11 Oct 2024 20:00
12 Oct 2024 20:00
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14,00 EUR

12,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners.

Concept and script by: Varja Hrvatin
Authors: Varja Hrvatin, Ena Kurtalić, Eva Stražar, Urša Čuk, Lea Culetto, Jurij Smrke, Jure Anžiček
Performers: Ena Kurtalić and Eva Stražar

Video and space design: Urša Čuk - rastrLAB
Costume design: Lea Culetto
App developer: Jurij Smrke
Music and technical scheme: Jure Anžiček
Movement consultant: Ena Kurtalić

Co-production: Mesto žensk – City of Women, Cankarjev dom

Financial support: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana



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