Past event
23 Jun 2024 20:00

Doors Wide Closed

One does not need to point out that 21st-century social relations have overstepped the boundaries of "normality". The question is whether we can render them meaningful through learning know how to live together and working towards a common goal, and above all, whether our heart is truly in it. 

Is our social core healthy enough to establish new social foundations? And when in the face of overpowering environmental challenges our "self-preservation" instincts tell us to escape or retreat in the name of safety, this also results in feelings of loneliness, isolation and helplessness. All these changes call for restrictions and adjustments, which implies a call for a new order, new ways of self-organised coexistence, autonomous zones and communes. 

The show Doors Wide Closed provides a series of possible suggestions and ways of creating a sense of freedom when dealing with various physical limitations of spaces. In his play Behind Closed Doors French playwright Jean Paul Sartre establishes the fundamental premise that we are condemned to a life in co-existence for eternity. In its very essence, the show presents an example of a post-apocalyptic interior and off-stage exterior, populated and cohabited by an entity of like-minded people removed from the outside world. Here, they seemingly and literally push back boundaries and confront restrictions through various art forms. With their directness, they create a genre conglomerate that enables parallel readings of the personal and social and a unique interpretation of the role of the body in a "new" social reality.

Nakup vstopnic

Doors Wide Closed

25 Oct 2023 20:00
27 Oct 2023 20:00
28 Oct 2023 20:00
29 Oct 2023 20:00
21 Jun 2024 20:00
22 Jun 2024 20:00
23 Jun 2024 20:00
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27 Oct 2023 20:00
28 Oct 2023 20:00
29 Oct 2023 20:00
21 Jun 2024 20:00
22 Jun 2024 20:00
23 Jun 2024 20:00
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12,00 EUR

10,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners.

Idea and choreography: Branko Potočan
Co-creators and dancers: Anamaria Bagarić, Branko Potočan, Jana Menger, Tajda Podobnik, Tini Rozman, Veronika Valdés
Composer and music artist: Goran Završnik / Gašper Selko
Sound design: Blaž Flerin

Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Light design: Gregor Kuhar
Photos: Drago Videmšek
Video: Petra Hrovatin 
Executive producer: Mojca Ulaga

Production: Vitkar zavod
Financial support: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and Municipality of Ljubljana



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