Leviathan. The Vitomil Zupan Case
Anton Podbevšek Teater
Director: Matjaž Berger
Vitomil Zupan was a Gesamtkunstwerk. An underground resistance fighter who turned the Slovenian language into platinum. A leftist sokol (TN: member of the Sokol Society; strong-willed and audacious) searching for a ring in which he could run wild. A gladiator who sought to re-educate the nation. No, we hadn’t had a figure like that. He was good for his times and for all time. Still, if we were to have him today, he'd be crucified again – and maybe even imprisoned. (From the accompanying text by Marcel Štefančič)
Leviathan. The Vitomil Zupan Case
16,00 EUR
12,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category
Director: Paolo Magelli
Cast: Anđela Ramljak, Maro Martinović, Barbara Prpić, Milivoj Beader, Doris Šarić Kukuljica, Hrvojka Begović, Frano Mašković, Ugo Korani, Urša Raukar, Zoran Čubrilo, Dado Ćosić, Katarina Bistrović Darvaš
Borut Doljšak
Barbara Ribnikar
Gregor Čušin
Jana Menger
Gregor Podričnik
Primož Petkovšek
Mila Peršin
Timotej Novaković
Mario Dragojević
Sebastjan Starič
Janez Hočevar