Icarus's story makes us wonder whether Icarus is a hero or merely a reckless man? Opinions on this issue have always been divided. An internal battle is fought between the mind and the heart. Some primarily see Icarus’ fall, others his flight – depending on the view.
From a young age, we are taught to adhere to certain rules that are vital to our survival and the existence of the social system. We are not supposed to stand out or perform below par. Icarus, however, is the embodiment of human aspirations towards transcending the limits of possibility, towards realizing new possibilities, stepping into the unknown, discovering new dimensions. And maybe learning something from the fall. Creative souls can easily identify with the inspiring character of Icarus.
Artists invariably strive towards exploring the unknown, the impossible. A dancer desires to take flight, to rise to the sun. In this day and age, we primarily seek freedom, unrestricted living, looking beyond the strict limits of our socio-political system, our own limitations and those imposed on us by others. The myth that has inspired many an artist has also provided an inspiration for this dance performance.
MN Dance Company: Icarus
12,00 | 15,00 EUR
10,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category
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