Hlapec Jernej in njegova pravica
24 Jan 2019 10:00

Ivan Cankar: The Bailiff Jernej and His Rights

Directed by Žiga Divjak

Today, in an age of widespread cynicism, complete ‘naturalisation’ of law and economy, a time when we have silently relinquished our hard-won rights, it has become vital to tell this well-night biblical story about bailiff Jernej and his rights. .

Nakup vstopnic

Ivan Cankar: The Bailiff Jernej and His Rights

26 Sep 2018 20:00
15 Oct 2018 10:00
23 Oct 2018 20:00
24 Jan 2019 10:00
26 Jan 2019 18:00
26 Sep 2018 20:00
26 Jan 2019 18:00
15 Oct 2018 10:00
23 Oct 2018 20:00
24 Jan 2019 10:00
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7,50 EUR

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Directed by: Žiga Divjak
Music: Damir Avdić
Performed by: Gregor Zorc, Iztok Drabik Jug, Minca Lorenci
Production: Cankarjev dom in cooperation with University of Ljubljana



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