Snežna kraljica
15 Apr 2019 11:00

The Snow Queen

For children aged 5 to 10

Gerda and Kay are siblings. When their parents go dancing one evening, Gerda and Kay are left on their own. The elder, Gerda, should look after her little brother Kay, but he disappears without a trace. He has been kidnapped by the Snow Queen. In desperate straits, Gerda decides to travel north to the Snow Queen’s palace, forced to face her fears on the way.

The shows blends table puppets, storytelling and sound theatre. By means of various sound-producing objects, the animators excite our imagination.

Nakup vstopnic

The Snow Queen

13 Apr 2019 15:00
13 Apr 2019 17:00
15 Apr 2019 11:00
13 Apr 2019 15:00
13 Apr 2019 17:00
15 Apr 2019 11:00
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