28 Dec 16:00

Perpetuum Jazzile's Festive Vocal Ecstasy

Organised by: Kulturno društvo Perpetuum Jazzile

This December, the vocal sensation Perpetuum Jazzile invites you to a truly special musical spectacle! On Saturday, December 28, 2024, they will host their first holiday concert at Cankarjev Dom, a performance that is sure to enchant music lovers of all ages. To ensure that the festive spirit is accessible to everyone, there will be two showings, at 4:00 PM and 8:00 PM.

Perpetuum Jazzile, one of the world’s most renowned vocal groups, will take you on an unforgettable musical journey through a mix of pop, jazz, gospel, funk, and many other genres. Their unique a cappella interpretations of globally known songs push the boundaries of musical creativity, with their rendition of "Africa" by Toto, which shot them to global fame in the world of vocal music 15 years ago.

With over 40 years of musical excellence, Perpetuum Jazzile has become synonymous with top-tier vocal artistry. Every concert dazzles with innovative arrangements, energetic performances, and emotional depth that leaves no audience member indifferent. They are also proud recipients of numerous awards both at home and abroad.

The holiday concert will be a special tribute to music, featuring timeless classics and magical Christmas melodies that will create an unforgettable festive atmosphere. The ensemble will once again showcase their remarkable vocal skills by recreating a full orchestral soundscape using only their voices, ensuring an extraordinary experience that you simply cannot miss.

The First Holiday Concert of Perpetuum Jazzile at Cankarjev dom!

Nakup vstopnic

Praznična Vokalna Ekstaza Perpetuum Jazzile

28 Dec 16:00
28 Dec 20:00
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44, 49 EUR



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