19 Jan 2023 19:00

Tadej Golob: Koma

Igor E. Bergant in conversation with Tadej Golob, the author of the crime novel Koma

Detective Taras comes out of a coma after serious accident on the Polhograjska Grmada hill. Not only is he facing a challenging physical rehabilitation but also a bad case of amnesia. The country is at a standstill due to the COVID-19 lockdown, and sinister changes are taking place at the Central Police Station...


The event will be held in Slovenian without translation.

Tadej's sentences are cinematic takes. His chapters episodes of a series. His novels are movies. His writing is visually convincing: when you read, murder, Taras and everything else happens before your very eyes. This time, we're going where we've never gone before. To Coma.
Matevž Luzar, filmmaker


Nakup vstopnic

Tadej Golob: Koma

19 Jan 2023 19:00
19 Jan 2023 19:00
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