The new work Gymnastics of Non/Sense III is a continuation of the series in which the composer Matej Bonin extensively explores musical theatre and the ways of creating musical composition on stage.
Gymnastics of Non/Sense III focuses wholly on percussionists and the intensity of their movement, thus interweaving motion and the flow of music. The various bodily movements required to play an instrument and the dynamic use of the entire stage transform the traditional concept of concert performance, bringing it closer to a theatrical event.
In the words of the composer:
The basic concept of the new work is the construction of the Tower of Babylon, a theme developed in Genesis that centres on civilisation, a community and its functions, as well as interpersonal relationships and the ways in which they are formed and broken off. The idea I contemplated on when framing the concept is the unforeseen nascence of beauty, as a random by-product of the forming and breaking off of relationships. If the Tower of Babylon represents unity, its disintegration and the displacement of peoples all over the world not only represent decay, but also open up the possibility for the emergence of beauty, the diversity of languages, cultures and civilisations.
Gymnastics of Non/Sense III
10,00 EUR
8,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category
Concept and music: Matej Bonin
Dramaturgy: Ana Pandur, Matej Bonin and Marko Čeh
Movement design: Ana Pandur
Spatial design: Marko Čeh
Lighting design: Andrej Petrovčič
Co-creators and performers: Špela Mastnak, Lola Mlačnik, Jože Bogolin, Simon Klavžar, Luka Poljanec, percussion
Production: Zavod Sploh
Co-production: Cankarjev dom
Partner: Zavod KODA
Supported by: The Ministry of Culture and The Municipality of Ljubljana