Past event
29 Sep 2021 19:30

Maruša Brezavšček, recorder & Capricornus Consort Basel

Capricornus Consort Basel
Peter Barczi Baroque violin; Eva Borhi Baroque violin; Matthias Jäggi Baroque viola; Maya Amrein Baroque cello; Georg Schuppe violone; Juan Sebastian Lima theorbo; David Blunden harpsichord

Johann Joseph Fux, Overture (Suite) in D Major, a selection
Johann Friederich Fasch, Sonata in D minor, for two violins, viola and basso continuo
Johann Sebastian Bach, Fantasia in G Major, “Piece d'orgue”, BWV 572, arr. for strings
Georg Philipp Telemann, Sonata II, TWV 43:g1 (1730)                       
Franz Xaver Richter, Trio Sonata in A minor, Op. 4, No. 6
Christoph Graupner, Overture (Suite) in F Major, GWV 447

The Baroque ensemble Capricornus Consort Basel, winner of the 2018 International Classical Music Award, brings together artists dedicated to period performance – seeking to place a piece of music in its original context and striving to reach the very essence of the music. The artistic connection among the musicians goes back to their studies at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel, where Maruša Brezavšček, a young Slovenian virtuoso, is also completing her master's degree. She was awarded first prizes at the TARF 3 (Tel Aviv Recorder Competition) in 2020 in both the “Soloist” and “Best Interpretation of an Israeli Piece” categories, and has lately been gaining experience on the baroque bassoon.

Named after the Baroque composer Samuel Capricornus (1628-1665), the Capricornus Consort Basel has dedicated itself to the performance of Baroque and High Baroque works. In addition to being their major source of inspiration, Capricornus also encourages research into the repertoire: dedicated to historically informed performance, on period instruments, the musicians bring to life (also) lesser-known and rarely played compositions by both Capricornus and his contemporaries.




(…) excellent instrumentalists (…) They are united in perfect homogeneity and enthral with their profoundly touching expressivity.

Maruša Brezavšček has proven herself a proficient interpreter well-versed in the extended techniques of playing musical instruments.
Maia Juvanc, 2020

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Maruša Brezavšček, recorder & Capricornus Consort Basel

29 Sep 2021 19:30
29 Sep 2021 19:30
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13,00 | 15,00 | 18,00 | 22,00 EUR

11,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category

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