28. in 29. sept. 2023 ob 19.30

SMS 1: For the Beginning

Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir, Glasbena Matica Mixed Choir
Kakhi Solomnishvili, conductor

Due to ill health, Charles Dutoit will be replaced by Kakhi Solomnishvili as the conductor of the SMS series opening concert.
Thank you for your understanding.



Darija Auguštan, soprano
Nuška Drašček, mezzo-soprano


Gustav Mahler, Symphony No. 2 in C minor

In a letter to a friend, Gustav Mahler wrote about himself and his Second Symphony: “The effect is so great that it is impossible to describe. If I had to say anything about this magnificent composition in this letter, it would sound too arrogant… The whole composition sounds as if it had come to us from another world. I don’t think anyone can resist this music. A man is first annihilated, and then he is raised to the highest heights on the wings of an angel.”


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SMS 1: For the Beginning

28. in 29. sept. 2023 ob 19.30
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8,00 | 18,00 | 28,00 | 35,00 EUR

6,00 | 14,00 | 23,00 | 28,00 EUR * *Upokojeni, mladi do 28. leta starosti, abonenti SF



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