16. Nov 2022 - 5. Nov 2023

Educational programme accompanying the exhibition In the Vortex of Change

For preschool children and schoolchildren (grades 1–3)
The Wonderful Variability of Nature (60 min) - workshop

Through astonishing stories written by Dr. Florjan Umek, a highly distinguished scientist, nature lover and nature protection advocate, the children learn about the beauties, secrets and attractions of nature. The workshop aims at fostering appreciation and admiration for nature, creating a foundation for the more elaborate nature-conservation subjects. In the creative workshop, the children make artworks from natural materials. 

For schoolchildren (grades 4–6)
Everything is Changing – guided tour of the exhibition (45 min)
The guided tour of the interactive exhibition focuses on curricular themes. Through interesting and illustrative displays, the pupils learn about the history of our planet, how rocks change, how life on Earth has been changing, how living things have adapted to change. We consider some examples of different types of relationships between organisms (food web, decomposition of matter and circulation of substances in nature...). Of course, special attention is devoted to human impact on the environment and nature.

For schoolchildren (grades 7–9) and secondary-school students, also basic education grade 6
In the Vortex of Change - guided tour of the exhibition (45 min)
Through interesting facts, interactive displays and true stories about our changing planet and life on Earth, students learn about the important laws of nature and the fact that everything on our planet is changing. We pay special attention to human impact on the environment and the challenges faced by humans today. We look for answers to various questions, e.g., Why do humans so radically interfere with the environment? What are the causes and effects of climate change. What are the solutions to climate change? What is biodiversity, and why is it important? Why is such an exploitative attitude towards the environment likely to have serious repercussions? Above all, how can we treat Mother Earth better to ensure our planet is preserved for posterity? 

Nature, A Priceless Treasure - guided tour of the exhibition & workshop (60 min) 
After a guided tour of the interactive exhibition, we do a treasure hunt activity with the help of our smartphones. The treasure we search for is Mother Nature preserved for future generations to come, an environment that enables us to lead a good life in harmony with nature. But how to discover this treasure? The hunt is full of suspense, competition, and terrific fun. Whilst being instructive, of course.

Guided tours in English by prior arrangement

Organised school groups (10 or more persons):
Admission: 3 EUR/person
Guided tour: admission + EUR 20 (guided tour surcharge)
Guided tour & workshop: EUR 6 /person 

Bookings and additional information:
Cankarjev dom E kristina.jermancic@cd-cc.si; 01/2417/161

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Educational programme accompanying the exhibition In the Vortex of Change

16. Nov 2022 - 5. Nov 2023
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