Life’s soaring heights and rock bottoms have never prevented outstanding athlete Primož Jeralič from achieving what he had been striving for before his accident and what he continues to strive for today, which is – pursuing his passion for sport.
Radovan Radetič: Understanding Our Child’s Behaviour and Responding Appropriately
Healthy families interpret a child’s feelings appropriately.
Healthy families interpret a child’s feelings appropriately. Parents give food to a hungry child without objection; they calm a crying child and try to ascertain the cause of his distress; they take an angry child seriously. Healthy families take into account the wishes of a child and address his needs and feelings.
Some parents have negative behaviour patterns, patterns that are permanent and dominate a child’s life, thus harming him/her. Behaviour includes any kind of activity, occupation or personal reaction, everything that an organism is involved in, including activity and response to a stimulation.
Mental health professionals believe that any behaviour is acceptable and adaptable and that development processes force a child to change, whereby solving or exacerbating his problems.
Radovan Radetič: Understanding Our Child’s Behaviour and Responding Appropriately
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