Life’s soaring heights and rock bottoms have never prevented outstanding athlete Primož Jeralič from achieving what he had been striving for before his accident and what he continues to strive for today, which is – pursuing his passion for sport.
8 Apr 2019 18:00
Tjaša Kos: Self-image, Psychological Well-being and Life in a Globalised Society
Crisis is an inevitable part of life. Our personal strength, i.e. resilience, helps us to overcome crises and grow as a result.
Crisis is an inevitable part of life. Our personal strength, i.e. resilience, helps us to overcome crises and grow as a result.
Resilience constitutes a psychological immune system of sorts. It helps us face life’s challenges and build a positive self-image, which is a prerequisite for a successful attainment of our personal goals.
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Tjaša Kos: Self-image, Psychological Well-being and Life in a Globalised Society
8 Apr 2019
8 Apr 2019
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