RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra - Chromatics2
Dirigent: Dawid Runtz
Dawid Runtz, conductor
Nikola Pajanović, violin
BARTÓK: Violin Concerto No. 2
LUTOSŁAWSKI: Concerto for Orchestra
In cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Poland
The young violinist, Nikola Pajanović, showed exceptional musical talent from a young age. He has won numerous awards at domestic and international competitions and has performed on prestigious concert stages. Additionally, he has mastered Bartók's complex Second Violin Concerto, which is included in his extensive repertoire.
It has been almost 70 years since the first performance of one of the most famous works by the Polish composer, Witold Lutosławski.
RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra - Chromatics2
13,00 | 17,00 | 21,00 | 25,00 EUR
10,00 | 14,00 | 18,00 | 22,00 EUR * * EUR za mlajše od 25 in starejše od 65 let ter upokojence.
V sodelovanju z Veleposlaništvom Republike Poljske