The Music of the World Series remains an opportunity to hear a rich variety of voices telling stories of colonialism, imperialism, racism, the shackles of patriarchy, but also of wide and vast wastelands, free plains, fascinating religions, vibrant cultures, of the simplicity and complexity of life in different parts of the world. It is a musical journey across continents, a quest for new musical movements, non-conformist genre conglomerates, vital youth culture and a showcase of contemporary expressions that tap into the treasure troves of musical traditions.
Our priority in the future will be new stories, neglected perspectives, voices of the unheard, musical messages from conflict zones, illuminating the dark side of history, articulating other realities and making sense of social struggles – past and present.
All of the above comes wrapped not only in the dark moods of minor mode and dissonance, but also happy missives, hopeful messages, facetious easy-going vibe, jovial energy and a glimmer of humour in all the world’s absurdities.
Tina Lešničar
Jazz and World Music Programme Director
Subscription ticket
85,00 I 105,00 I 115,00 EUR
75,00 I 90,00 I 100,00 EUR*
** EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners.