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Mission and values
Cultural and Congress Centre Cankarjev dom boasts a compelling artistic programme and an impressive list of congress events. It programmes cultural and artistic events by national and international artists, conducts diverse congresses and commercial events and works in cultural and artistic as well as scientific and economic partnership with the Municipality of Ljubljana and the Republic of Slovenia and in cooperation with international institutions; it fosters and promotes artistic spirit of urban living.
The institute enjoys complete autonomy from the state in shaping its cultural and artistic programme. Its mission is to create the conditions for the development of diverse artistic practices, to foster and nurture creativity, enrich cultural and broader spiritual life and encourage humanistic and social values as well as multicultural cooperation. Variegated, open to the world and devised in conjunction with other autonomous cultural institutions, the programme of Cankarjev dom offers its patrons relaxation, emotional enrichment, social and aesthetic sensitivity, enhanced insight and awareness of the invaluable significance of culture and the arts for the future of a nation in the European Union.
The programme nucleus of Cankarjev dom comprises the values of free artistic creativity, quality, upholding of tradition, innovativeness, healthy competition, cooperation, peace and humanism, internationalism, social justice, society of equal opportunities (also in terms of gender, religion, sexual orientation etc.), pluralism and intercultural dialogue.
Cankarjev dom’s contribution to the attainment of favourable social and economic externalities in culture and the arts is in:
• presenting, producing, co-producing and organising events in the domain of music, theatre, fine art, cinema, humanism, cultural education and literature
• perpetuating tradition, fostering development of contemporaneous creativity, rekindling cultural heritage and incorporating it into modern art practices as well as providing for critical self-examination of cultural and artistic endeavours
• supporting and assisting artists and performers, creating optimum working conditions
• systematically including the young people as active patrons of the arts, helping the young develop a lifelong appreciation of the arts by offering variegated programme of cultural education
• producing a broad and variegated programme and offering a range of spare-time activities to individuals and organised groups
• generating a flow of knowledge and new ideas
• fostering and enabling new contemporary works or artistic practices that can win national and international recognition
• hosting workshops, organising conventions and other events that contribute to development of science and international recognition of Slovenia
• providing the focal point for artist output and meetings industry in Ljubljana