22 Sep 20:00

Tanec - Folklorna klasična simbioza

Organised: Predodrom d.o.o.

The Macedonian Ethno Attraction Tanec, together with the Macedonian Philharmonic, will put on a spectacular show at Cankarjev dom, featuring the sounds of traditional Macedonian music combined with classical instruments, an orchestra, and over one hundred thirty performers on stage. This performance continues Tanec's long-standing connection with Slovenia and the Slovenian audience and is part of the Balkan tour of the Macedonian National Ensemble Tanec and the Macedonian Philharmonic, during which they will visit five neighboring cities: Ljubljana, Zagreb, Belgrade, Podgorica, and Banja Luka.

After a series of world tours and performances on several continents, Tanec has become a global attraction that captures attention wherever it appears. The melodies and dances of the Tanec ensemble have circled Europe, the USA, Canada, and Australia, even echoing on the stage of Carnegie Hall in New York. After a long hiatus, they are now returning to the Slovenian audience to present the best from the treasure trove of Macedonian melodies.

The Tanec ensemble is celebrating its 75th anniversary with a major Balkan tour, where they will showcase the best of Macedonia through singing, dancing, and music. The Macedonian Philharmonic will join them on stage, enriching the experience with orchestral accompaniment enhanced with elements of classical music, allowing visitors to enjoy unique renditions of some of the most famous Macedonian songs and dances.

The Folklore-Classical Symbiosis tour is a joint project of the large ensembles Tanec and the National Opera and Ballet, designed as a musical fusion of two different traditions—classical music and folklore—skillfully arranged into new compositions by Darko Ilievski, a renowned instrumentalist, composer, and leader of the Tanec ensemble. More than one hundred thirty performers will present a historic selection of compositions at this spectacular event, including Osogovka, Maleševka, Žetvarka, Pirin Spring Flowers, Vodarki, and many other Macedonian dance and vocal melodies from Tanec's rich repertoire. This musical and stage spectacle is conducted by Bisera Čadlovska, with concertmaster Verica Lambevska, and choir conductors Đurđica Dašić and Goce Conevski.

Lovers of Balkan sounds, especially the authentic traditional melodies that characterize our region, will greatly enjoy the performance by the Tanec ensemble and the Macedonian Philharmonic. The Macedonian cultural heritage will once again be presented in a new, different, but equally spectacular version.

The Tanec ensemble was founded in March 1949 and has been a pillar of Macedonian tradition and culture for 75 years. It was established with the aim of collecting and preserving Macedonian traditional songs and dances, folk instruments, and costumes, and—through appropriate artistic expression—representing the most precious elements from the rich heritage of the Macedonian people. Over 75 years, it has left a significant mark on the Macedonian cultural scene, preserving traditional elements while introducing new performers, soloists, orchestras, and performance styles.

You can watch some of their performances on their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@nutanec8660.

Tanec - Folklorna klasična simbioza

22 Sep 20:00
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